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WARNING 482 Institution is Recording Every Letter you Typed

Preston University experts have said that hundreds of companies are recording every words you typed by each visiting visitor on their website. The number of these companies is more than 480, which is recording every ‘key’ typed by a process ‘session replay’.

Through this session replay process, websites try to find out what types of products they find on their website, but not all users are aware of it, and their companies are allowed to do so many laws Questions are coming.

According to a survey conducted by the Preston University, those websites running scripts and software, each pressed on the keyboard, are doing mouse movements and scrolling processes, and all these details are sending to a third party server.

Third-party replay scripts, user-friendly information, such as medical records, credit card details and other personal information, are going to an unknown third party, can be identified by theft of fraud, online fraud and other prohibited actions.

Preston University experts further said that the software is being used, including Phil Story, Session Camp, ClickTail, SmartLink, User Replay, Hunt Jar, and Yandex. Experts also said that out of 50,000 sites, 482 are using these software.

Famous newspapers using this software include British newspaper telegraf, Sam sung, Reuters, CBS News and others.

Paul Edwin, head of the Security firm Trip Wire, says the first question is that it is completely illegal to record the ‘strokes’ of non-informal people. If this website does not know how to record the click on its users, then it is a very wrong process, which will be called illegal and then this information is being given to other organizations, which is another fatal practice.


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