W. C. Fields plays Carnival Barker Gabby Gilfoil in Two Flaming Youths, 1927.

Understanding Shills – 2

The definition of a Shill is; an   accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others.

When it comes to online writing, the  Shill  fills this definition.   The Shill may know, from start,  that the site owner has planned to rip off the writers.

For example tinycent.com appeared out of nowhere.   A guy came on literacybase, which itself became a scam,  bragging about how much he was paid and how great tinycent was.

When people seemed reluctant and questioned, he posted how he had spoken directly to the owner and the site is legit.

He knew that it was a scam.  He knew,  before he touted the site,  exactly what it was about.  He was not some average guy who joined a site and posted and got paid.  He was’hired’ by the owner to go to every writing site and tout tinycent.

Those who joined and were ripped off  can lay their complaint at his feet, because he was responsible for their discomfort.   He was no innocent chap who was recounting his experience.  He was a Shill, bought and paid for, getting coin for every warm body that he lured in.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar