
Technology wonder, wander and discussion

The meanderings of my posts lately are not on purpose. I find myself thinking about various things over the course of the day, so I guess it is last thought first blogged! First off in fairness I do wander a lot, because in part that is the job I have. In part, I wander because there are some things I am interested in. My father always said, “be a lifelong learner.” I truly believe that is the way to be and strive to continue learning. It is why I spend a lot of time focused on the art of the possible, but also looking ahead. What is possible today but expensive, could be easily found and cheap in just a couple of years.

I do from time to time talk about the pain of early adoption. I truly loved the Giropitic product, but realize now it was ahead of its market. It is really hard for a technology when it gets ahead of its market. The reality of markets is that without one, companies fail. With one, companies can thrive. But if you miss the market window, you can end up crushed while waiting for the market. Giroptic, a great product was ahead of its market.

This boating season there are a couple of coming technologies that I find exciting. There are two ROV’s coming, (remotely operated vehicles) that I can’t wait to arrive, due later this spring. The ability to see below the surface of the water is always something that is intriguing, at least it is for me! Using an ROV/Drone to see where I currently can’t see is something I find incredibly interesting. I use it to see damage on my roof, pictures under the water and images of people from above.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!