
How Online Writing Sites Destroy Themselves – 5

ManyOwners/Admin can not pay their users.

This may be because they have taken their cut, and maybe were a bit too greedy. This may be because the site is actually of a scam.

To divert users from question, the easiest ways to prevent writers reaching the threshold is to limit writer’s contributions.

By preventing users from logging on or posting,  revenues are deliberately kept down.  When a site is down, it allows the Owners/Admin to manipulate numbers.

The point is to play with the earnings; whether to keep them frozen in time, so that you sit at 60c ‘forever’  or to have a long ‘pending’ period so days pass before your earnings are ‘tallied’.

Considering that in 2006 Triond could post your earnings every second, and today Mylot has your earning right there on the page, constantly changing ,the only reason that your coin is ‘pending’ is due to the trickery of the owners/admin.

Write this down if you think you will forget it;  the only reason your earnings are not totaled every day is because the site is ripping you off..


What do you think?

Written by jaylar