Today for the Saturday Critter Challenge I decided on these two photos. Saturday must be a day of rest for cats lol, cause they are sure sawing lots of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs lol. Zinger is snoring lol. The second photo is Eclipse, the cat the visits us daily for food, and lots of love. You can’t see his head, but it is him sleeping away like Zinger without the snoring lol.
better sleepCatbehaviorpetsSaturdayCritters
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wonderful pictures of the cats sleeping. The innocence of those that feel safe and loved is aweseome@
Brother go to bed sis says, and dream of your future projects. You will feel like you are online lol. I have that problem, but I make myself stop before midnight, for real. It can be a good habit to work online, but too much of a good thing can cause insomnia, so adjust a weee bit. You can do it!
no, I can just lie in bed and get frustrated. so I just work until I am exhausted enough to pass out
ok brother, but I use to sing you to sleep when you were little. I guess due to high demands for your art you can’t fall to sleep as easy. Stardom can do that!
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She is a cutie for sure. 🙂
She sure looks like a cuddle bug. They are pros at relaxation for sure.