
Monsanto waits for litigants to die

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One of the jurors from the landmark Johnson vs Monsanto case from 2018 in which the plaintiff won over $78 million dollars in compensatory and punitive damages has written an op-ed in West Hawaii Today.  Dewayne Johnson contracted non-Hodgkins lymphoma after using the weed killer Roundup over a long period of time.

In the op-ed, the juror advised that Monsanto continues to appeal cases because they have not paid any of the billions of dollars being litigated in court.  None of the over 19,000 cases have not reached the US Supreme Court as of yet, so Monsanto has not paid anyone.  Monsanto is playing the waiting game with appeals in hopes that the litigants die in the meantime so that Monsanto does not have to pay.


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Written by ahol888

Coolest dwarf in the world. Expert on the topic of mediocrity.


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    • They continue to appeal the court cases, so no action can be taken against Roundup at this time. We are all waiting for one of the cases to reach the Supreme Court so that things can finally start moving to take it off of the market.

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