
Hurricanes: What each Category means in terms of wind speed, damage

People who have never been through a major hurricane or typhoon often don’t realize the kind of damage that these storms do. This short video is a representation presented by a meteorologist to explain the five categories of hurricanes. 

With Hurricane Dorian poised to hit the US, this is especially appropriate right now. Dorian is currently a Cat 5 storm, so pay close attention to what is said about a Cat 5 hurricane. Keep in mind, too, that a Cat 5 hurricane has wind speeds of over 157 mph, which is what he describes. Dorian currently has wind speeds of 175 mph, substantially higher than 157 mph, and it is already hitting the Bahamas. 

We’ve had fewer than normal major hurricanes in the US for the past decade, but this one is extremely powerful. The devastation in the Bahamas will be profound and if it makes landfall in the US without weakening, the same will be true of the area it strikes.


What do you think?

Written by Rex Trulove


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  1. Nothing I can do. Last year here in Daytona Beach we got by with some heavy wind and rain. I hope that will be so this year too. I am going to be alone one way or the other and personally I am too tired to care. Just how I feel.

    • In general, structures are also not particularly well-made in the Bahamas, either. A strong Cat 5 can obliterate a sturdy building as well as snapping trees and destroying nearly anything that is in the way. I’m praying for the people in the Bahamas, but I expect that the damage will be severe and the loss of life high.

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