That’s the Golden Shower tree with its bunches of flowers… The bunches actually look like bunches of grapes from a distance, with each flower less than an inch in size. When it is the flowering season, these trees are heavy with blooms that make the tree look all yellow or golden!
Vibrant color!
Yes, very! Thank you, Carmen! 🙂
Lovely post
Thanks, Pamela! 🙂
That’s very pretty, AC! At first I thought it was our Laburnum tree, but figured it couldn’t grow in your climate. Look:
Yes, it looks very much like that too… I left out the other names this time, I should have added that it’s the Cassia fistula, and also known as the golden rain tree.
How beautiful are these clusters of beauty! 🙂
They are very pretty!
Thank you, Carol.. 🙂
so nice
Thank you, Olga!
They are so pretty. We have trees that are blooming right now in yellow and gold. I don’t know what kind they are but really awesome like these. Great photo.
Awww… I wonder if they’re the same…
Thank you very much, Kim