
While Professor Pool was Chasing Co-Eds – 5

As a student on campus, who was fortunately out of contention, I would often query why there were no complaints about the sexual harassment.

It wasn’t hidden, it wasn’t limited.

My proclamations about harassment were shut by the women who were being ‘harassed’. I learned that in many of the territories, women traveled on their backs and expected to travel on their backs. It was their chosen method of success.

I wondered about Mrs. Pool.

How could she give her husband so much space and time and be so unaware of what he was getting up to?

Funnily enough, I had a friend who knew her and after I’d made the big song and dance about him, his adultery and sexual predatory behaviour, she took me on a visit to Mrs. Pool.

It was just past mid day. All the windows of the house were closed, I thought no one was home.

Anne called and in a bit I heard a voice, a window cracked, and there, in a thin throw over house dress was Mrs.Pool.

And there, coming out of the bedroom in just a pair of shorts, the Gardener.

After a few amenities, I got back into Anne’s car and she gave me the long story.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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