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What does the rain tell humanity about the life

Are you one of those people that always complains about the rain? Does the rain always destroy your plans as well as your mood? Have you ever thought about the lesson one can learn from this everydayness?

Everything happens for a reason

Do not even try to change the reality. You have to learn how to deal with the things that are beyond your control. There is always a good reason for every single thing that happens, even the rain. Haven’t you ever thought that maybe somebody was praying and asking for that rain? The rain teaches us that we have to be acceptable and adapt to the life’s changes.

Letting go

The rain happens when the clouds can hold the water no more. Some people even consider the drops of the rain as a tears from Heaven. That could turn into an excellent lesson meaning that sometimes it is more than acceptable to cry about something and take it out of your physical body and on that way out of your mind as well. Don’t you feel better when you are done thinking and crying over something? It means something better is coming, something new is about to be born. Clean your soul, let it go and expect nothing but the best.


It is true that the storm comes with great grey clouds that even affect our mood. However, after the storm there always comes the sun! Nothing lasts forever, not even the storm nor the bad period into your life! Keep calm, the God always has a plan! You can even consider the rain as a sign telling you exactly this: be optimistic and learn to be patient. Patience is a golden ability!


What do you think?


  1. After many adventures and travel with you, flew here and there, now I read your wisdom. This is good.
    No one happens to be in this world, then acting wisely is the best way, as you suggest.
    Btw, I have only two seasons in my country, so there is no other way to enjoy except to grateful for it.

    • One can love it or hate it, but can do nothing about it to change it! The rain doesn’t care about the people’s opinion about it and this is another great lesion from the rain 😀

  2. I love it when it rains, and I actually wish it will rain more! I love it because it’s calming, but it really doesn’t stop me from any major plans that I have other than cycling outdoors, but I get over that in a heart beat 🙂