A bustling city with many cultures, it sits on the Italian shore. It’s a harbor city, shipping merchandise from all over the world. We go here few times a year to do some shopping and view the sea. It has a rich roman history, the Great channel visible on the photo being the main attraction. It’s nearly impossible to get lost in a vivid city like this.
Bella Italia. I hope you had a wonderful time there
Unfortunately not. My father went with his brothers a few times but I couldn’t go with them…
Probably because it is…
I was born in Taibei, in accordance with prophecy
Taibei is the capital of Taiwan, and I’ve already said too much about the prophecy…
check the post date
I was just kidding, I don’t believe in prophecies- not even when they’re about me and just so happen to be correct…
If you read the sort of books I do, birth and prophecy go together like peanut butter and jelly
Well then go read such books
Read some Tolkien, then some Wolfe
That’s entirely up to you. If you make the time, you won’t regret it…
This view makes me want to enter the picture and visit the city. :- )
A great place to visit
Well done! Nice picture!
Sounds like a nice place to visit fro time to time
What a wonderful picture – it seems almost perfect. Awesome!
Trieste is a lovely city. Its history is quite different from the rest of Italy, as it used to belong to the Austro-Hungarian empire before the first world war, and its hinterland has many Slavic speakers.