I was wondering through some posts this morning and I was shocked and saddened when I found many that I hadn’t responded to. I don’t know why or how I missed so many. The ones I found I corrected and responded. Perhaps I wasn’t very attentive then, its hard to know. I want you to know it was not intentional or personal in any way. I do now try and respond to every comment and when I finds something I lost I try to make it rights.
I really beleive that positive interaction is the most important thing that brings others to the site. This doesn’t mean we all have to agree and only talk about happy things. It means that we present our thoughts ideas in a respectful manner no matter if we agree or disagree. It’s definitely a skill and there is a learning curve.
It is great if we can patiently teach each other and help us all to grow and learn more things.
I commit to being a better member of this community.
You have raised an interesting question. I find myself asking the question do I respond or do I not respond quite a bit now.
I wonder, sometimes if there is an answer to your question.
You always do ask tough questions!
I also try to interact as much as I can because that is the purpose of this site.
I do the best I can and respond to as many posts as possible and do some quizzes before I post anything new. I usually post various posts so that they can approve my posts one by one or as many as they choose and I constantly have something new to offer. One of these days I might even read all the posts of everyone I know here.
I’m waaaaay behind …
well, just try your best, I’m sure they understand 🙂
I am behind as well, so many new members. I am trying to get to the ones I can.
The ones I have read so far all merit a reply.
There are quite often comments that do not need or merit a reply!