
Meaning of Seeing a Flying Crane Crossing Someone's Path

Yesterday while on the interstate I saw something I have never seen before. I saw a white crane flying almost like in the front of our car up high. I was just curious if this could be a sign of something. 

I have been trying to help someone, and in the meantime, my health has been suffering. I read several meanings, but this one helped my spirits lift a lot

 Crane crossing your path is a reminder to remain patient until all problems subside to move ahead with knowledge and clarity.

Here is the link where I found the Meanings behind seeing a crane cross your path etc I think this even talks about if you see them in a dream.

These days I believe that most things are possible. I believe this may have been a sign that everything will work out in due time.

I try not to be superstitious, but this just seems different.


Image Credit-Pixbay


What do you think?

Written by LaJenna


  1. Many things can be signs for each of us. I think our signs are usually personal. What you get I might not, for example. Take care of yourself.
