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Is It All Falling Into Place?

Isn’t it funny how life often seems to drag you in a certain direction? It can often seem that if something is meant to be, it will be – everything will come together to make it happen.  I have a feeling that that my life is about to take a new turn this year , that things are falling into place for me now.  Everything is lining up so that soon I will be in the location  I want to be, doing what I want to do.

I have been thinking for some time of moving from the area where I live, but didn’t know how to go about it. I live in a tiny rented apartment in the Greater London area, and I yearn so much to live somewhere better, away from all of this urban stress  – less expensive, less congested, less overcrowded and more friendly, where people have more time for you.  I have a rural idyll as a recurring daydream:  I would love to live by the sea or in the countryside, and don’t want to carry on living alone.  I have been considering living in either a house-share or a co-operative housing project, i.e  shared communal living with others in a large house, where you pay a subsidised rent and do some work on the land, i.e. gardening, building, growing fruit and vegetables, etc.  I have researched these places and most of them are in lovely rural locations, so I think something like that would suit me very well

I have been mulling over  this plan for the last year or so, but one thing that stopped me was my work  – I was not prepared to give up my job to go and live somewhere else, only to find I couldn’t then get employment in the new place.  Well, I lost my job a few weeks ago, so have nothing to give up now! So I reconsidered the relocation  idea, but then there was still  the stumbling block of no money for a deposit and other moving expenses. Well,  most opportunely, I have just received a windfall, over £2000, in welfare arrears! (money I should have been paid before). This sum of money should be just  enough to enable me to move.  So it all appears to be coming together – all of the obstacles to my move seem to be melting away.

It makes me certain that my idea is the right thing for me to do. So I am now looking into co-operative housing projects and house-shares in other parts of the country, and seeing what is available and where I might end up living next. The future is suddenly looking bright…..



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What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Maggie Bailey


    • Not yet Alex – everything is all still in a state of flux. I am making plans, doing what I can, and hopefully within the next few months things should become a bit clearer.

        • Yes indeed Alex. I have to not try to control everything, as it doesn’t work, just causes more stress. Your comment reminds me of that old saying: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” That is definitely very apposite to the life I have had – absolutely nothing has worked out the way I planned it when I was young. So that is why I am trying not to plan too much, just having some tentative ideas, but going with the flow and seeing what happens.

  1. Thank you Andre. That really is an odd coincidence – that you received £2000 as well! (actually in my case it was £2159, but that’s near enough!) No, it is not a huge amount of money, definitely not these days, but it *is* enough to enable me to change my life for the better, i.e. move away from this area.

  2. I see lavender fields for you my dear Maggie. 2000 pounds is not much, but if you have a real plan in place, it can become a huge legacy. You are not asking for advice, so I am not offering any, save for the part where I lost my work many years back. I had three young kids and a real stalwart of a wife who has stood by me through thick and thin, she is still the love of my life, 45 years on. I am telling you this, because, by a strange co-incidence I share with you, I too had received an unexpected tax payout, of about 2000 pounds, several years ago. One thing my wife said at the time, was this:”Come hell or high tide, we best hang on to that cash for dear life, because while it’s in our pockets, we control our own circumstances. You know, what, she was right! Inexplicably while you have it, it actually grows! It is the one commodity everyone wants and are willing to part with incredible assets to get hold of, I am saying that I had legally bought a tiny house in the country for a 200 pounds cash down payment and low interest free installments, we took in two borders who wanted a break from the city and we were on our way . Whichever way you want to go, I wish you God speed, just remember Cash, really is King!

    • Thank you Andre. That really is an odd coincidence – that you received £2000 as well! (actually in my case it was £2159, but that’s near enough!) No, it is not a huge amount of money, definitely not these days, but it *is* enough to enable me to change my life for the better, i.e. move away from this area.

    • Thank you Andre. That really is an odd coincidence – that you received £2000 as well! (actually in my case it was £2159, but that’s near enough!) No, it is not a huge amount of money, definitely not these days, but it *is* enough to enable me to change my life for the better, i.e. move away from this area. PS How on earth did you buy a house for £200??!