Nudiustertian is a word that has a different meaning than most people might think by just looking at it. However, it is still a useful word to know.
The word is pronounced “new-dee-uhs-TUR-shun” and it has been in use since the mid-1600’s. Nudistertian is a word that comes from Latin. Specifically, it comes from “nudius tertius”, which means “today is the third day”.
You might wonder what the word means. The word isn’t very much different than the translation of the Latin. It is an adjective that means, “relating to the day before yesterday”. This is where the ‘third day’ comes into play.
I might use the word like this: “The nudiustertian day dawned cloudy and rainy, but today it is sunny with only a few small clouds.”
Considering that people do indeed talk about (and write about) things pertaining to the day before yesterday, this can be a useful word to have in your vocabulary.
Although the word isn’t commonly used today, it is still a valid word and it does have a good meaning.
…it’s my first time seeing this word…it’s great learning new words from this series of urs Rex..excellent 🙂
It is sort of fun doing it and it is super if it helps people to increase their vocabularies.
…yeah u are right and this one will be your signature series..thanks for it Rex 😉
You are being far too kind. Thank you.
…It’s just learning new words everyday is so fun..and I was just glad u made this one as a series 🙂
This is the first I have heard or seen this word. Thanks for the education and knowledge Rex.
You are most welcome. In a way, it makes sense that there would be a word for day before yesterday.
Yes, it is sometimes an important day after all!
never heard this word before but it is nice to have it in my vocabulary 🙂 thanks for the information
It goes to show that there is a word for almost everything.