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Convergence and Platonic Forms

It has been theorized since at least the time of Plato, that things exist as “forms” in another realm, before they exist in reality. Nothing can exist unless there is first a form, then it can be manifested into reality. I am intrigued with this possibility, and I see evidence for it in the world around me.

One piece of evidence I see for Platonic forms is “convergence”. It is a term used in evolution theory for organisms that evolve similar traits, while not being closely related. These traits are said to evolve independently.

One example of convergence is the eye, which has evolved independently over 40 times. The camera eye has evolved several times, in species as diverse as the hawk and the octopus. Is nature preprogrammed for sight?

Marsupials are another example. They evolved separately from placental mammals, yet there are marsupial moles, dogs,and saber toothed cats (now extinct). There are many more examples of convergence, even going to the molecular level.

I think convergence happens because these organisms originate as Platonic forms. There is the form for a dog, and thus nature will find a way to keep producing a dog even if it has to take different routes. Forms are not specific. The can be thought of as focal points, or attractors. More like a guideline or blueprint.


What do you think?

Written by riverwild