
Catching Karma – 11

The house Marie had lived in with her husband Charley for thirty years, was sold. It had only been on the market for ten days.

Having moved into her own Condo nearly a year ago, the house was only a symbol of the past. All the happy memories had been squeezed out, leaving it no more than just a building.

The money she obtain from the sale paid off the loan she had taken to buy her Condo. She used the profit for various safe investments, and then turned to thinking about a vacation.

For so long she had never taken her full vacation, never gone anywhere, done anything. Not This YEAR!

This year, she would take every day owed to her. She’d  advised her employers, and left the dates a little ‘ify’  as she had to check the offerings on the Internet and get the best deals.

Later that evening, when she was home, Marie did her searches on the ‘Net, comparing various places, when Steffie,  her daughter called.   ‘

Steffie told her that Charley’s girlfriend was in the hospital.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar