If you enter bubblews.com right now you’ll be told that the site is coming back!
Now most of us, who don’t live in the First World have been ripped off by Bubblews. Some people were owed hundreds of dollars. Some, not so much. But the fact is, being ripped off is not sweet.
I will say it now… before I joined Bubblews a chap I respect said, (after reading the TOS) “This is an unmaintainable business model,” in short, it couldn’t work.
When I joined, with some foresight, appreciating it was a scam, (having done a bit of research on the owners)

<a href="http://legitimatejobfromhome.com/is-this-a-scam-2/is-bubblews-a-scam" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
I protected myself… a little. If I was a bit more pro-active I would have done it differently.
What I did was spend the first days, liking and commenting, and posted very few items. I watched my revenue mount. Most of it was liking and commenting. The articles I published were shards; that is, I would chop one article published on Wikinut into three or four articles, adding bits, changing bits, and publishing one a day.
I had published about 12 shards when I reached the $25.00 redemption, put in, and was paid.
To prove the scam, I continued to like, to comment, and posted 12 more shards, reached $25.00 and put in for my redemption, and was NOT paid.
I stopped all activity and logged onto Bubblews once a week to keep my account active. I read a few items and liked or commented, but on no regular basis.
The redemption turned to $50.00. At this point I had collected about $35 just with likes and comments. Having $15 to go, I post a few more shards, stepped on my liking, reached $50.00 put it, got it, and sat back.
And then, Bubblews went down.
If it comes back up?
1. Use an American Proxy Server so that it seems you are in America. Use an American city as your address.
2. Like and Comment a lot, post few items, and keep copies.
3. When you reach the redemption, put in. You should get it.
4. If you get, continue to like and comment and do everything except publish. Build up to at least half of the redemption, then publish a few items.
5. As you are using an American proxy and pretending to be American, you should be paid that second time.
Under no circumstance admit you do not live in America. Maintain that farce. Arvind and Jason live in America. The laws are very strong and they can not risk you putting their names in an FBI folder.
They can not be trusted, and they know it.
Famous old saying goes “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”
These people are so stupid that anyone who brings back bubblews will make thousands of dollars ripping them off. And it is real easy.
My late dad once said “People like to be fooled.”
He is right. People keep thinking that it was some sort of glitch why they weren’t paid. If Jason and Arvind stood up on television and announced that they had run a scam… people would still think… nahhh
I am sorry I didn’t enter this site claiming to be in Florida because I don’t think I am going to be paid.
I’ve never heard about bubblenews until now so was not involved. Interesting, but was involved with niume and it went down the toilet owing me $$. Hope it doesn’t happen here (more concerned with my quizzes and articles than the $$).
I was with Niume as well. I don’t know if this site pays. It takes a while to get $10. The guys who started Bubblews are brilliant chaps. They didn’t make a mistake, they set up Bubblews as a scam and were more successful then they predicted.
How could I possibly trust someone who owed me so much money? Don’t count on getting a dime.
You’ll be surprised how many people believe that Jason and Arvind didn’t mean to rip off the public. There’ll be thousands of victims for the vampires
I wouldn’t go to that site because of all the bad feelings that it engendered
What happens with sites like this is that they start with a certain amount of startup capital – either borrowed or from a grant of some kind – and they use this to set up their database and other hardware/software, maybe pay a small staff team, and offer payments to members. Their initial offerings will be generous in order to attract as many members as possible in the early days.
Their income will come from advertising, but advertisers (e.g. Google AdSense) will want to know that their ads will be seen by a large number of potential buyers of the goods being advertised. They therefore look for wide readership of the articles (etc) being published on the website. If this does not happen, the site will soon find that its startup capital will be exhausted and advertising revenue will not be enough for them to be as generous to their members as they were originally.
So what it boils down to is – will the site attract advertisers? The key here is quality. If Google reckons that a site is a vehicle for good quality material, then those articles will be indexed and get high placings on search lists. The articles are read, the adverts are visited, and everyone is happy. If the quality is poor, Google will ignore or even block pieces coming from those sites that publish them, and the site will eventually collapse because the advertisers will not get good returns on their investments.
The problem with Bubblews was that it allowed too much rubbish to be published. If it returns with the same lack of editorial control, it will collapse a second time.
Yes,a lot of rubbish was published, esp. by their Shills. I recall one gal who always defends Bubblews.. (surprised I don’t see her yet) who used to post the worst garbage ever. But that wasn’t the point.
Bubblews got millions of views which is what the Advertisers paid for. It was never an investment it was a rip off. And they are going to do it again.
They are probably going to be writing their Ph.D. thesis on how easy it is to rip off … (They are business majors).
Great Bro Nice Post ..!
thank you… it’s more a warning though