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Between myth and reality: Little known civilizations: The Etruscans


I and some of you maybe might just remember the Etruscans from your primary or high school history class and that they were then presented as the forebearers of the Romans. But they were not really the fathers of the Romans as I will try to explain here.

The Romans themselves called the Etruscans “Etrusci” or “Tusci” (this last name from Toscany) while the greek historian such as Herodotus name them “Tyrrheneans” or “Tyrenes” from an eponymous character named “Tyrrhenos” that led a part of the Lydian people in Italy. As such some historians attribute an exogenous (from Lydia or Pelasgi) origin while others give them a more autochtone origine such as “Villanovan”. The more modern approach to the origins of the Etruscans cited par Massimo Pallottino states that the Etruscans cannot be just from one migration but rather are the descendants of a group that gathered along the way several aspects of different cultures such as Villanovan, Pelasgian, oriental and others. The DNA of some 80 individuals which were apparently Etruscans was analyzed by Alberto Plazza and showed that they presented similitudes to the anatolian population but differed from the DNA of actual Tuscans. A 2013 study comparing mitochondrial DNA from Etruscans to medieval and modern Tuscany and Anatolia showed links with Anatolia dating some 5,000 years and that the most probable model is a genetic continuity between the Etrsucans and certain Tuscany populations of today just like Voleterra and more so from Cosantino.

The history of the antique Etruscans stretches for 10 centuries within 6 distincts successive eras: 1) the villanovian (or proto-etruscan) period from the Xth to V111 century BC as attested by some funerary elements such as urns and rites of incineration that distinguish them from the rest of Italy, 2) an orientalist period from 720 to 600 BC marqued by cultural and commercial exchanges with Phoenicians, Cathaginians and the Eubeans (Greeks from Italy), 3) the archaic period betwenn 600 to 480 BC where a cultural, economic and territorial development occurs within which the Etruscans affix their footprint on the occidental Mediterranea and antique Italy (even in Rome itself) and giving it three kings (Tarquinus the Ancient, Servicus Tullius, and Tarquinus the Superb), 4) the classical period from 480 to 300 BC where the Etruscan dominance starts to vacillate and they lose large plots of land following military defeats on land and sea, 5) the hellenistic period in 300 to 100 BC where the Etruscans show a severe decline by multiple invasions (mostly from Celts), 6) the romanisation period from 100 to 17 BC marqued by the subjugation of the etruscan population by the Republic of Rome. In 17 BC, the whole of the Etruscan territory becomes “Rejio V11” which is incorporated in the Roman empire.

<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="Étrusques" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Étrusques</a>

The Etruscans adopted a system of writing, probably borrowed from the Greeks from Evia in the south. They adapted this variant of the greek alphabet to they own phonetic system (which we still do not know today). Among the most ancient inscriptions in the Etruscan language is the tablet of Marsiliana which had on one of its side an alphabatical model of 26 letters. Even though the Etruscans are not from whom the Latins originated from, the Etruscan alphabet was a precursor of the Old Latin alphabet and as such became the basis of the Latin alphabet.

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The Etruscan society, from its beginnings in the V111th century till its progressive romanisation and dissolution was never unified politically. It was constituted by city-states just as the greek model of “polis”. These separate entities eventually evolved towards a monarchy system (from V11th to V1th century BC) to a republican regime just like in Rome. There were a total of 12 cities in the Etrsucan history which formed a ligue called “dodeka poleis” or “duodecim populi” as they were called by the Latins.

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The Etruscans were at their apogy a military power where they adopted mostly Greek defensive and offensive armement and tactics. The defensive arsenal consisted of an helmet either ridged or crested, a round shield and a “kardiophylakes” (essentially a chest protection) made out of bronze. The offensive arsenal consisted of spears and a short sword. All these attributes are similar to the Greek hoplites and the military tactic was a phalanx formation where the infantryman were deployed in rows and soldiers fought mostly shield against shields. There was also a cavalry reserved to nobility just like the Greeks.

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<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="Étrusques" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">Étrusques</a>

The Etruscans’ inflence from Greece is seen also in its poterie production and depictions and that goes from its pre to protohistory.

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The Etruscans had gods which they adopted from the Greeks again but under different names: Tinia (Zeus), Uni (Hera), Sethlans (Hephaistos) Turan (Aphrodite), Nethuns (Poseidon), Aritimi or Artumes (Artemis), Apulu or Aplu (Apollon), Menrva (Athena) etc.

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The top picture of this article presents an etruscan funerary stele named the “Sarcophagus of the Spouses” dating from late sixth century BC.

The Etruscans had social classes just like the Greeks and Romans but under different terms as “masters and slaves (or Penestae)” compared to the Romans which had distinct legal designation such as “free and slaves”.

The family, of course, formed the basis of Etruscan society. But the woman, contrary to Greece (except in Sparta), actively participated to the social life mostly in the higher rich classes which were strongly conditionned to the importance of a “banquet”. The Etruscan woman enjoyed more liberty than the adjoining population and participated to the intense activity of Etruscan society and gave her own name along with her husband’s name to her children. She often went out to be admired by men, participated to public ceremonies, to danses, concerts and games. Adorned with her own jewelry, she took part to banquets lying down on the same “kline” (settee) as her husband and enjoys etruscan games and shows. This scandalized the Romans for whom “etrusca” was synonymous of a “prostitute”. One such of these types of free women was Tanaquil, Velia or Velca Spurinna and others as they are portrayed on frescoes.

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There were also several aspects of Etruscan life and history that are known today but some of these are still under invistigation by archeologists and historians alike because most of the known facts on the Etruscan come from Greek or Roman historians which are noted for being not quite truthful. This article just wanted to present the basis of the Etruscans and their life.


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by HistoryGal


  1. The Etruscans are definitely not the ancestors of the Romans, but the two seem to have common ancestors, from Anatolia (Turkey). Both civilizations weren’t initially indigenous, for sure, but mixed with the natives. It was good to know women were highly respected. ?

  2. I don’t remember The Etruscans from my high school history or humanities classes. But I was probably not paying attention. LOL. I did see a very detailed documentary on public television. I know enough about the Etruscans to know that had a huge influence on the civilizations that came after.

    • Sorry about the delay in thanking you for your visit, your reading, your awesome comment and your up vote. Yes the Latins did indeed copy something from the Etruscans, that is the alphabet but the Etruscans as such were not the forebearers of the Romans by all means. At least that is what I found out. But I am no historian, so I just hope I did not induce anybody in error.

  3. when I heard about DNA analysis, my first thought was “Finally we’ll know where the Etruscans came from!” and then I waited, and waited…

    bout damn time

  4. Now I am curious about the thought or conjecture or assumption that Etruscans were the ancestors of the Romans. If they really are not the forebearers of the Romans, then since when did historical errors occur, why, and how? This is really interesting! Thanks for presenting a new perspective about Etruscans, dear friend.

  5. Very interesting I just thought they were fathers of the Roman race when they were not. Their situation is complicated but I supposed that the Romans made everyone Roman maybe?

    • The Romans apparently came from Latium so they were Latins. Some say also that they came from Troy according to a historian whose name escapes me. They took a lot of their culture from the Greeks and the Etruscans alike which they came to subjugate eventually. Thank you for visiting, taking the time to read and commenting and also up voting.

  6. Well, I cannot update or like your post. But I read every word and am impressed. These people were just amazing. And i love the part where the archeologists and historians are still investigating so we can learn even more. Thank you for my history lesson for today my friend.

    • I cannot put an upvote on your comment but I definitely appreciate, enjoyed and relished in it. Yes the Etruscans despite the fact they borrowed a fair amount from the Greeks were indeed advanced enough to start the Latin alphabet which of course we still use to this day. Hourray for them. Oops the upvote for your comment just came up as I looked up. Thank God for that little point. Thank you for visiting, reading every word, and even though you could not, upvoting for my little presentation. I certainly appreciate your support.