Hello Everyone sorry I haven’t been on here that much but I’ve been a little tied up with things trying to get my cabin back in order after I started redoing it (rearranging things around) but I was listening to my fav channel on tv & I am glad I keep my tv on fox news while I work.
As I was listening to what he was talking about I started to cheer for what he was saying cause it’s been WAY too long since we got someone in office that gave a rats? Now we do& the more he talked the better I it was sounding, & I have to say it’s about FLIPPING time.
Trump had a Nations Governor’s meeting on how & what to do to protect the schools across the nation & I tell you what if you missed it & you have kids going to school U really need to listen to what he has to say cause rather you like him or not HE’S the President that’s GOING to make things change for the better that NO other has done.
I liked everything that everyone on here had to say about HOW to make a change for the BETTER for ALL school kids & yes it sounds off the wall but in makes sense cause as long as we HAVE soft targets in the schools the kids are at BIG danger.
You hear the democrats complaining about everything that has no merit to it & trying to find ways to get Trump OUT of office, but you sure don’t hear them on trying to make a difference on HELPING what Trump is trying to get DONE either.
If you really take the time to learn what these Democrats are about & what they STAND for you wouldn’t want them running our nation, cause their all scavengers that want to see us fall & go down with the ship, they NEED to give UP the ship. I also was listening to another fav of mine I think has a lot to say about HOW the left is & what Trump is doing has some GOOD issues on how things are& they tell it like it is & they hold no bones on what they have to say on things.
These 2 Ladies here they will surely brighten your day with what they feel on things they talk about & tell it like they see it, that’s what makes them the 2nd most fav that I enjoy listening to besides what Trump is doing.
Thank you for stopping by & giving your response I do appreciate it :>} you all have a great day & may God be with you & lets make life GREAT again, cause we can’t keep going like we are we need change ASAP!
Photos are from Pixabay.
fantastic and professional image! ##hammer
Thank you I hope you have a great day
It’s awesome and very interesting qoutes
thank you I do appreciate that. :>}
What I understand about the school shootings in America from some You Tube channels that have been banned by You Tube like the Gabe Zolna report is that the liberals want gun control so our nation can be run by a despot who knows that the people he is charge of can do as he pleases since we the people cannot fight back.
yeah it’s all crazy on how the ones that want our guns to rule us around
& the ones that believe in our amendments aren’t giving in no matter what.
Sorry to hear about the school shooting I don’t live in USA so I really can’t give an opinion on what to do. Its a completely different place in New Zealand with a lot less people in it.
I hope people will decide to get on with each other and try to help others and be kind..
I don’t know how the nation got where it is now with the way things are
but I’m with you on people learning peace & not hate but it seems like
we have been ignoring the mental ill people & it’s now showing us how
they can be smarter than we give them credit for we need a change.
i have never been into waiting this stuff , a lot of it i just dont get or dont understand so i try to stay out of it all
it’s kinda hard to stay out of it when your life depends on it
or your kids or friends life, we aren’t promised tomorrow but
we can protect what’s ours if it’s important enough right?
I try to stay out of politics online but I like your post. 🙂
Thank you, I try to give the best of what I hear & learn about
what matters to others cause it’s not just about ME I write
about. I find it a mission to make others aware of the news
that affects EVERYONE.
Good for you. The world is kind of crazy right now.
you can sure say that again cause it’s a on going thing
just how crazy this nation has become over the years.