
Tell it Wednesday 9/20/17

Today marks eight years that my little sister has passed and I have been just sitting around thinking about her. She had autoimmune hepatitis and she was eight when she got it. I have been trying to grieve but I have had a horrible migraine. I am sitting here telling you all about my middle sister and how much she made people smile and just how much I miss her. she was fourteen when she passed.

I want to tell everyone to hold on to your siblings and try to be nice. Yes, you will fight but make sure that you are nicer than you are mean because you never know what will happen next. I love her and I am still missing her it is like a piece of my heart has been ripped from my heart. I am going to write a book about one girl losing her sister because i need to write something that explains my life in a fiction setting.

I suffer from Chronic migraines and I am sticking it out just like she did which is really hard because the pain is unbearable. I loved her so much and I am going to do a tribute song and coloring photo for her tomorrow or this weekend. I am really happy to start this picture because she loved butterflies and I love singing. I am really trying to keep myself together and now it feels good to talk about it because I could never talk about it like I am now. Some people still don’t know too much and how I feel but I am going to really keep myself together and stay strong.

My sister would want me and my other sister to stay strong and not grieve too much for her so that is what I am going to do. I am going to go back to sing, write my books and color just like I have been wanting to do from the beginning. I am following the advice of my mom and that is “If you start then finish is”. I am starting these books and I am going to finish every single one of them as well as self-publish then on Amazon, create space, and lulu publishing if I can. I am mostly going to put them on Amazon and make my own website for my books and other articles if I can.

I hope that all of you have a great Wednesday and today was my sick day so I did not really do too much but take the trash t the curb, cook, and make sure that the dogs had their water and food. I even watched tales from the crypt and I am now watching Forensic Files. I am old school too so I write all my books and articles down and then I type them up except for these.

When I am here I just type because I already know what I am going to type today or for the day that I am on. I am going to add the date at the end because it will be better so no one will be confused.

Have a great Wednesday and don’t let someone tell you that you can’t-do something because they can’t-do it. I can write, sing and dance which I live and I have been working on these things for years and some people are jealous but I don’t care. I have many supporters and I hope to keep them around because everyone is helping me get my name out there and I am getting my own name out there. You have to never forget where you come from so if you ever decided to do something and you make it remember to thank the places you started and the fans that you have because people seem to forget where they have came from.


What do you think?


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  1. I praise you for starting where you left off at over your sister’s death & there’s
    nothing wrong with that, you make a path & keep your chin up high, remember
    she’s looking down on you everyday, she will love to see you get back into what
    you enjoyed doing & getting on with your life as if she was still there with you.

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