
Spring 2018 News

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

It rained all day, but it stopped around 6 pm, just in time for sidewalk hiking meetup. Only 7 people showed up because the streets were wet, but it wasn’t even cold. It was a nice walk, and I noticed it was light outside for a while, maybe until 7 pm at night. I went straight home at 8:15 pm.

Later on Facebook, I noticed in the trending section that Stephen Hawking died at 76. He had ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, the same disease that my mother had, and he died around the same age. I thought he was older.

I just received the March 2018 issue of California Style Magazine, which has the latest spring fashion in California. I need to go through it to post spring fashion styles that I actually like and would actually wear.

  • February 27th was World Spay Day
  • March 1st was National Pig Day
  • March 11th was Daylight Savings Time
  • March 17th is St Patrick’s Day
  • March 20th is first day of Spring as well as Jesus’ real birthday
  • March 23rd is National Puppy Day
  • March 30th is Good Friday


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