
Photo Scavenger Hunting in Traveling

Our life is becoming busier and busier. We tend to change its course by traveling to different places. It is the best part of unwinding oneself for a busy life. Traveling is not always in a luxurious way. A person can have all the fun even in nearby provinces or cities. Some people can never forget their cameras with them to hunt unusual things. It can be called “scavenger hunt.”

“Scavenger hunt” described as a person who scavenges list of things, either traveling or not. Hunting unusual things along the journey are the best memories to keep. For bloggers, photos are being taken to be shared online or offline. A travel plan is essential to achieve such adventure in life. They just need to research the place and make lists on what to expect.

Exotic or Strange Food

In every place you’ve been, you will always find strange or exotic food. These are the good quality of photos that can be shared with excitement. This would be more entertaining through reading it online. We can express our feelings through concrete reviews with food served on the plate. That’s the part of knowing the unknown food from certain places.

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Cultures or Practices

Different cultures or practices can be witnessed while staying in places locally or internationally. It can be appreciated if being with the locals and actually experiencing it. However, a traveler should do a quick research before landing or reaching the final destinations. In some countries, they are so strict enough to follow their cultures or practices. We can’t afford to spoil the travel escapade if hooked up to violations of cultural practices.

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Tourist Traps

The sceneries are the best part of traveling. The eyes are so open to beautiful views while on the road. Whatever the cause, we can able to explore areas without questioning the natural arts of work. It can’t resist the freedom of seeing the places especially the untouched tourist traps. Eventually, it will be a favorite place to visit again and again.

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Mode of Transportation

Traveling to places for the first time is worth experience such as riding unique vehicles available. For Asian countries, they showcase their way of transporting passengers from one place to another. It is really surprising since the transportation seems so impossible to use. The enjoyment of traveling while on the top load of a bus is really fun. But then, we still need to concern about safety.

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What do you think?

Written by Steven Gamboa