
My Goals for June

This post is mainly for me, but feel free to comment anyway if you like. 

Here are my goals for June 2019:

  • Weed the yard on all non-rainy days. We had a very wet spring, and it’s pretty bad out there. Maybe I will take a before and after picture, I’m not sure yet. I would love to pay someone to do it, but I can’t afford it.
  • Quit smoking June 18th. Trying to quit again, wish me luck. Another thing I can’t afford.
  • Read the book I got as a birthday present “Secrets of Shamanism” by Jose and Lena Stevens. I am not really interested in this book, but it was a gift, and I will read it anyway.
  • Write one post a day for Virily. More, depending on mood.
  • Write one article a week for HubPages.
  • Use treadmill four days a week, two ten minute sessions. ( I developed plantar fasciitis over the winter and spring by going without shoes most of the time, it feels like I am walking on sharp rocks all the time, it is very painful.)
  • Get outside once a day. This can be accomplished by working on the yard. My psychiatrist doesn’t want me cooped up in the house all day every day, and would like me to get out more. I can also go with my boyfriend when he walks the dog, if he has the patience for my slow walking.


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by riverwild


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  1. I hope that you could accomplish these things as planned. Quitting smoking might not be easy but I’m sure that if you are determined you will surely succeed. Being active on Virily is easier than any other sites. Good luck!

  2. Well good luck on reaching these goals for they sound pretty sound and somewhat easy to keep. I was a psychiatric nurse and do what your psychiatrist says even if you do not want to for getting outside and into the fresh air will also clear your head for writing.
    It was a wet Spring so far where I live as well and caring for the yard is one of my chores as well as walking my dog. In other words do not stay cooped up and go out and enjoy the sunshine for it really does help in many ways.

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