
Love ItLove It

Lessons Life Taught Me

“Tolerate the things that slap you down, bad news here, bad news over there, heartless experiences that cause you bitter despair, for the hardest thing you will ever have to learn in this life, is how to be strong and brave in the last few moments of your life.  All other events pale dismally, in comparison to this. Be tolerant of one another in this life, for death, that swift and mighty equalizer of all unjust acts committed by man on man needs not your vengeful heart.” – Tranquilpen© 2017


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  1. Thank you, Sheryl, the words come straight from the heart. We can so, fuss about everyday dilemmas, while that which matters most, tolerance, forgiveness, and compassion never come in the absence of elevated levels of discomfort to self.

    • Thank you Sheryl, a wise man once said when asked what we as human beings can control in life and as you well know, life happens, pretty much as nature pleases but there is one thing that repeatedly stuns us and leaves us breathless and that is, how people react to calamitous situations. So, yes indeed, there is one thing we all can control, we can control our attitude towards aversion, dismay and horror, something, like “turning the other cheek.’ or saying, Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.


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