
Be Grateful of the Simple Things

Every day, I like to wake up and remind myself to be grateful of the simple things. – Miranda Kerr

A story uploaded by alina65447354, ( Let’s have a walk though the desert shall we) reminded me to be thankful everyday. That post also inspired  me to create the image above and make this post.

In Alina’s post, she learned to appreciate simple things such as water. Though in the suburbs we can have water anytime, in the desert, we all know how difficult it is to find water.

Indeed, how many of us wake up with a great full heart? Often times we jump out of bed and go directly to our daily morning routine. We don’t pause for a few seconds to think that “hey, I’m alive and well today!”.

Worse, we wake up and the first thing that we think of is our problems.

I believe being grateful of the simple things specially in the morning could change our attitude throughout the day. Also, according to the law of attraction, gratitude would open us up for for more blessings.

Starting New Habit

I am starting  a new habit today. Every morning I will list down at least 5 simple things that I am grateful for. Also I will list down 5 things that I don’t have yet but will thank for it ahead.


Original image is from Pixabay.

Quote is from


What do you think?

Written by artbytes26

I'm a self-taught photographer and artist, hobbyist, nature lover, photo editor. and a self trained web designer and developer.


    • Indeed we do, alibb. We often forget to appreciate what we always experience everyday. Like this morning, I enjoyed listening to the birds chirping and tweeting outside. I realized in some highly urbanized cities you can rarely hear that anymore.