Tomatillos are a Solanum, related to tomatoes, but also to potatoes and aubergine (eggplant). You can’t eat them raw, but they make a superb sour, tangy salsa and are great in a quiche. I’ve grown them several years in my greenhouse, and they do well there. They are more robust than tomatoes and very productive.
In this series of photos, I am cooking down a few kilos of the fruit into a concentrated paste, which will keep through the winter. I will later add it sparingly to stews and casseroles. It makes a very interesting substitute for tomato purée.
They look like brussel sprouts.
I was about to say the same thing too Carol!
I had seen them in the market, but had no clue what they were.
Now you know 🙂  :
I agree they look like brussel sprouts. Great post