
What to wear?

  1. Hat: Fedora -‘Faded Glory’
  2. Shirt: Button down nylon – ‘Marrakech’
  3. Vest: Four buttons three pockets Slim fit -‘Alfani’
  4. Tie: Slim – ‘Pierre Cardin’
  5. Pants: Wax coated denim – ‘Rich & Skinny’

Minus the Thompson submachine gun, I have referred to this as my ‘Gangsta’ look. When I think of this style I think of a gangster in the 1920’s because they were known to wear vests and fedora’s. I guess you can refer to me as a fashion gangster because the addition of the wax coated denim jeans takes it to a different level compared to what a gangster from the 1920’s would wear. Everything, except for the fedora and tie are thrifted items.


What do you think?

Written by Thomas Gouard

Im a military veteran; a full-time college student, and a fitness addict. Fueled by inspiration; God's word; endorphins and laughter!