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Summer 2017 Hair Color Trends

I decided to check out Cosmopolitan Magazine’s website for the latest fashion ideas. I used to  buy occasionally a magazine copy of this magazine when I was in my 20s because I mostly liked to check out the creative photographs in the magazine. And, sometimes, I ended up liking some fashion ideas being promoted in this magazine.

As I checked out a summer hair article, I noticed that cool-toned hair colors appear to be the latest trend for this summer. Summertime is all about getting a nice but healthy tan as well as highlighting your hair to bring out your natural highlights and make your hair shine. Most people prefer highlighting their hair naturally, whether through swimming, going out in the sun, laying out, squeezing lemons on their hair before going out under the hot sun, using hydrogen peroxide, or using other sprays that you might find at a store. But other people might prefer to pay a lot of money to get it professionally done at a hair salon. Either way, it is important to know what you want and what looks best on your natural skin tone as well as knowing your skin undertone, and doing a lot of research on products, salons, and colors before you make your decision.

#2 My artwork on Adobe Photoshop and my mannequin photography

Cool-toned hair colors, like cool-toned clothes and makeup colors, tend to look classic, traditional and elegant. Cool-toned hair colors seem to be the latest trend for summer hair because hair colors during previous summers tended to be warm shades to go with golden tans and bronze-colored tans. Therefore, this summer's cool-toned hair colors will likely have a contrast against tanned summer skin.

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#5 My artwork on Illustrator

Strawberry blonde hair with added highlights looks like light red hair with blonde highlights. And, with extra highlights, it will tend to look more blonde than red.

I know a Mexican woman who has natural strawberry blonde hair, which is a nice shade on her. But she looks even better when she adds highlights because it makes her green eyes appear greener.

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#6 My photography at a mall event

Consider dark brown hair on top of the head gradually fading to a lighter shade down to the blonde tips at the end of the hair. This coloring is similar to a monochromatic brown hair in different shades, which is like the Tiger-Eye brown shades.

In this photograph, the hair stylist is tinting the teenage girl's brown hair from light lavender on top to light pink at the bottom of her hair.

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#8 Fifi Leigh in a selfie photo booth

Chestnut brown hair color tends to have a red undertone, like my hair. So, I henna my hair in one of the red or brown shades of henna. Each red shade gives my hair a different shade of auburn, from a bright auburn shade to a dark auburn shade as well as a metallic red shade - which has a coppery red tone. The red henna just brings out my natural red undertones as well as makes my gray hairs look like red highlights. The chestnut brown henna shade just looks like my natural hair color. And, the black henna shade on my hair looks like a richer chestnut brown tone of my natural hair color. I prefer to use the Light Mountain Henna hair product because all their hair colors look very natural on my chestnut brown hair, regardless which red or brown shade I use. When I googled Light Mountain henna, I found out that Walmart carries it, even though I buy mine from Mother’s Market.

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#9 My photography at a Halloween Party

Pastel Pink hair color is apparently still popular, whether you prefer a solid pastel pink color or tiger-eye shades of pastel pink. Frankly, I think pink hair is out because I remember that teenagers were into such colors back in 2015.

In this photograph, Brittany is wearing a neon pink wig for her Halloween costume. Actually, I still see some young people with neon-colored hair at the malls, but they are not making a fashion statement. I think it is more of a political statement.

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