
Top 15 Paranormal Events That Police Witnessed

When you had been a skeptic for years and one day, suddenly you are confronted head-on with the paranormal it has to be a very scary thing well I have been very much a part of paranormal activity since I was a toddler, so I guess, I won’t ever be shocked about becoming a part of the supernatural as that metaphysical realm, has been a huge part of my entire life. These encounters are mostly taken from actual police case files and I have no part in them. I have merely conducted a spiritual evaluation of the circumstances surrounding these incidents and can vouch for the authenticity of most of them. Enjoy the content and share your own supernatural experiences below.


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    • Honestly, Carol, where would you want your boy to be, dear friend? For those that believe in a hereafter, The Bible, our oldest historical source says that heaven is inside you, this is why there is this huge battle to be constantly found in a state of peace and tranquility, qualities, only attained through unselfish acts. While all of us are found lacking, that state can only be attained through perseverance in charitable deeds. This is a heavenly state of mind, so then, this is where the energy of our loved ones will be. When we continue steadfastly, in faith and in charitable deeds, when we too must become energy, we will have, just as Jesus had built a place inside the minds of his followers,(disciples), where his soul/energy, could dwell, so too must we also build a house with many rooms. for all our followers. This is what I believe. I realize this sounds hard to believe, that is why so few will even find the way there. Most people prefer to believe the false fable of an old guy sitting up in the sky with a big judgment book. I do not judge you, neither does my heavenly Father, so who judges us? Our own consciences, plain and simple. That is a tough one to face.

      • Thank you Andre. I too believe the same way. I believe if we do good, our deeds will be returned. And I also believe heaven is found inside, but first you must believe. I absolutely do. I honestly don’t know how I would survive without this belief. I still would love to know that one day I will see my son and other loved ones again.