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Spotlighting Our Members ~ trafalgarlaw

I am very happy to shine the spotlight on this member “trafalgarlaw” because I remember him from when I first started.  His posts were loaded with tips on how to get the most out of publishing for Virily.  I noticed that as of 2020 he was still active, although his last post (as of the date of this post) was in February.    

Like me, he’s been an active social blogger around the web.  In one of his posts he mentioned a few of the sites where I had also been active and some of the sites where I never got a chance to be active.  Then he shared his tips on how he made Virily work for him when all of the other sites didn’t.  He made it an Open List so if others wanted to share their tips they could.  But hey!  I don’t have anything to add.  He pretty much covered it.

He also really enjoys making trivia quizzes.  I like trivia and fun facts.  But I totally bomb on all of his quizzes.  However I do learn a lot of trivia when I’m done failing the quizzes.  LOL.

One last thing.  The cover banner for his profile is AWESOME!!  LOL.

Here Are My Tips On What To Do To Keep Your Posts Getting Noticed at Virily (15 submissions)

Can You Name These Famous Movie Characters of All Time?

How Many Of These General Knowledge Questions Can You Guess?



What do you think?


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