Act two, scene one.
The set; A grey/green, sinister mist hangs and suspends in ribbon like wisps near the presence and premises of Fish Pants Dance Antics Ranch and Aged Phlex Sphincter the Animist.
Phlexs’ absence prompts Nori, his potential assistant, to take lascivious licence.
After several hours of exposure to the swirling and misty miasma, Nori is engulfed in an explosion of synaptic tsunamis manifesting in myriad of maniacally merry memories of otherwise mundane musings or magic moments, depending on your perpespective.
Viewing the scribbling and driveling accumulated on the desk of the old coot, in disheveled, seemingly random chaotic piles, she can’t help but glimpse the first few words of a title she was sure she knew.
Uncertain if it was the effects of the mist, deja vu, or last nights leftover egg salad, she reaches for the crumpled piece of paper. To her surprise, it is indeed a favorite nursery rhyme from a time long ago when, in her mind, knights slayed dragons, mermaids sang to unwary sailors and life was as happy as a Cheshire catfishes’ grin.
Instinctively, her hand reaches for a pen and starts scribbling with wanton abandon, entirely unaware that she is in fact, (through Phlexs’ imbued sorcery), actually accidentally actuating THAT childhood memory and currently completing putting into print AND effect!
Almost in a trance, raising the finished piece to the light, and as the mist curls around her movement and presence, she begins reading aloud;
“She sells sea shells by the seashore.
She tells wave swells to bring her in more.
Compels buoy bells to sound the sea floor
and yells her special spells that produces more by the score”
POOF! It was magic! At first she thought tragic! Her thrashing was frantic and sad!
A bag of mixed tricks is how she felt next in thinking it might not be bad…
Still a bit of a fervor when she looked in the mirror and realized the situation she had.
As her thoughts became clearer, the truth became nearer, she surmised she was, in fact, glad!
To be continued…
very cobination between tree and water,,,,,
You are very kind. Thank you!
That unique fish
dancing with words
his eyes shimmered
delivering pure excitement
in a no-nonsense cheer
up to a beautiful girl,
work desk and lighthouse
applaud joy!
It was an exciting time! In a beautiful setting. I knew there was rhyme but, I kept on forgetting.
Thank you!
Yeah! For me, it is often easier to write poetry as a response than a regular sentence for a great fish. Without much thought, I ask all letters whom that interest to line up to place and set themselves respectively. The result is a joy without rhyme so this time they are free to be themselves.
Absolute essence! Astute effervescence! The letters are better when they go in a flow along with a goal that we may not even know. Sometimes a rhyme or poem will show, either way’s fine if a grin gets to glow.
Next swim and catfish whim, >-=^;> good Botosom!
Well, that’s the energy in your page that inspires and dilutes my brain so that it is able to flow words.
nice post and lovely story!