
Hidden Head Coverings

It might be  a type of cap or a hat or something different altogether but if it fits the head, you will find it hidden in these sentences.

The sentences are not clues to be solved but you have to look at the words carefully to discover the name of something that can be worn on the head hidden within them.

Discover the names and post them in comments but do not look at the answers submitted by other people before trying on your own.

As a challenge try to post one puzzle sentence with a hidden head cover for the next person to solve.

Good luck!

  1. Rafe, do rake the leaves before you go
  2. Let the ring be returned to its rightful owner.
  3. Nobody dares to question the king’s orders.
  4. Clo cheated in the exams.
  5. Willow, oak, ash elm, etc are all types of trees.
  6. I saw a crow noisily flapping its black wings.
  7. The district urban population was computed to be 72,429.
  8.  Do you know how igneous rocks are formed?
  9. Portia rapidly fell in love with Antonio.
  10. Have you heard of Ezra Pound?


What do you think?

Written by Dawnwriter


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  1. Great quiz, as are all the rest of this series! Here are the last 5 pieces of headgear:
      crown turban wig tiara fez
    Regarding ##3 and 4 I couldn’t figure them out at all. In the end I analysed what were the most likely hidden ‘words’, then looked them up and found the hats 🙂 I didn’t know either of those words before!

    Here is my sentence with two pieces of headgear concealed within. Who can uncover them?

    ::::: Get the bus by the square, and if they call you a wimp, let them. :::::

    • It’s simple really Gina once you know the trick. Look at the sentence,

      Ken yawned while watching TV.

      The first two words Ken yawned have the word Kenya in them. That’s the name of country hidden in the sentence.

      I ran as fast as I could. Can you find Iran?

      Do let me know if this helps.

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