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One of tourist attractions from my town is the Museum of Printing and Old Romanian Book.The museum shows a series of aspects regarding the writing and printing development on the Romanian territory. Targoviste represented for the Romanian culture the first typographical center, with large spreading in the country and outside it. The museum presents religious and laical type books, documents and manuscripts, the first journals in Romanian language and instrumentation typical to the printing machines.
The printing press of the eighteenth century is the centerpiece of the museum.SharThe Museum of the Print and of the Old Romanian Book, houses the testimonies of the civilization of a people, expressed through one of the most profitable trades – printing. The exhibition circuit starts with the presentation of the first forms and types of writing media and continues with the moment of the invention of print with mobile letters and its distribution in Europe. The introduction of the pattern in the Romanian Country is marked by the printings in the Slavonic language of Macarie: Liturghier (1508), made in Târgovişte, the printing house of the Romanian Country. From here, later, Coresi will start, the one who will plant in the minds of people the idea that “the word of the Lord can be read in Romanian” and whose typographic activity was performed both in Târgovişte and Braşov and illustrated in the exhibition (Triod Pentecost – 1578, Slavonic Evangelical – 1579, Romanian Evangelical – 1561). The imposition of the Romanian language in print is evidenced by the books released in the seventeenth century, both in the Romanian Country (Evanghelia învăţătoare, Pravila de la Govora, Îndreptarea legii). Some of the exhibits in the Museum:

Macarie Liturghier

Octoih (1510) şi Evangheliar (1512),

Macarie Tetraevanghel 1512

Evangheliar slavonesc 1579

Cazania lui Varlaam1643

Indreptarea legii (Law enforcement)1652
So, if you come in Targoviste, do not hesitate to visit the Printing Museum. I’m waiting for you! 🙂
I always love these museums which depict the fine details so well
This is an interesting posts! I love old books. These look very old. It’s amazing they lasted so long!
Nice post
Very interesting
Amazing ..
Amazing place!
its really marvelous sharing, history looks beautiful.
Wow, I love old books. I would love to visit this Museum.
Waiting for you in Targoviste! 🙂
Interesting post! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I have an box for letters just like the one shown in the first photo. I would love to see that museum, I used to work as a type setter long ago. Not so long ago that we had to use presses like this one. lol