“This is the news of the millennium!”
Citing unnamed FBI sources, WorldPoliticus.com claimed Hillary Clinton will be indicted in 2017 for crimes related to her email scandal.
Trump supporters, gleefully swallowed the story and there were over 140,000 shares, reactions, and comments on Facebook.
Meanwhile, in a small town in Macedonia, a young man watched as money began trickling into his Google AdSense account.
These sites are in Veles, Macedonia.
The Macedonian youths who created these sites and invented the stories, don’t care about Donald Trump.
They care about money.
Facebook admits a US user is worth four times a user outside the US, so the youths go after the US market. Although a click only earns a percentage of 1c, considering the rate of exchange, that’s money in Veles.
To get the clicks on their site they needed to tap into the busiest market; and that was to publish crap which catered to Trump supporters.

<a href="http://jainmacedonia.blogspot.mk/2016/12/macedonia-fake-news-and-us-presidential.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
These sites played a significant role in propagating the kind of false and misleading content that got FakeBook it’s name.
Just as ‘Ulsterman Report‘ was able to vomit its anti-Obama rhetoric, (which was hungrily swallowed by these Trump types) the kids in Macedonia know how to play Americans.
They produce their ridiculous stories for Facebook, the world’s largest social network, and use the advertising network of Google AdSense to collect their coin.
As a University student in Veles, who started one of the sites said;
“Yes, the info in the blogs is bad, false, and misleading but the rationale is that ‘if it gets the people to click on it and engage, then use it,’”
These Veles fake news sites boast hundreds of thousands of followers.
“I started the site for a easy way to make money,” said a 17-year-old.

<a href="http://jainmacedonia.blogspot.mk/2016/12/macedonia-fake-news-and-us-presidential.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
“In Macedonia teenagers are not allowed to work, so we need to find ways to make money…the revenue from a small site is enough to afford many things.”
Many of the youths plagiarised stuff from right-wing sites in the US.
They’d find an anti-Clinton story, write a sensational headline, post it to their site, (which is festooned with Adsense ads) then share it on Facebook.
The more people who click on the site from Facebook, the more money they earn from the ads on their website.
One of the best earners was from ConservativeState.com. :

<a href="https://thehawkeyeonlinenews.wordpress.com/2017/06/19/the-russian-connection-macedonian-politics-u-s-news/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
The most successful posts from the Macedonian sites include the false claim that the pope endorsed Trump, and the false claim that Mike Pence said Michelle Obama is the “most vulgar first lady we’ve ever had.”
The kids in Veles not only earn easy money, they get the kick of fooling the so-called ‘Web Saavy’ by gaming Facebook, Google, and Americans.
“…The world thinks Macedonia is primitive…” the kids who run the sites laughed, proud to have duped the Americans.
Nice very good post love macedonia
I don’t support fake news.
It is interesting to see how easily hoaxes take over this modern world.
all about Fake?
The kids in Macedonia just made up the stories, linked them on Facebook to make money.
Thank you for sharing this post. People today like to be fooled.
They do… they will believe anything about someone they don’t like and these guys way in Macedonia, a place no one thinks of, were so brilliant as to be able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I know what you mean. Appeal to the vanity of the readers.
When the chap who created Whitehouse Insider was sorting about to find a topic, he tapped into the racism of America and began creating fictions about Obama. The difference is; Obama’s supporters were intelligent, so they ignored the rubbish. Today, so many people are so dumb they believe the rubbish… the headlines here were publish on Facebook and some had 100s of thousands of hits and shares.
“Money doesn’t talk, it swears” – Bob Dylan 1965, true as ever today
Yeah. And to the kids in Macedonia it wasn’t important. They didn’t consider their actions