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Friday in Black and White – In the Arkham Asylum

My first entry for Ileana Calotescu‘s B&W challenge. I don’t know if I will be doing this every Friday but I will do it when I feel like I have a solid entry, like this week for instance. I’ve been working on a background for another piece and thought “I bet this would look nice in greyscale…”

#1 arkham challenge

You might recognize the architecture from other pieces that I've done. I actually had a lot more to say about this but Virily lost all my text when I saved a draft and I don't remember what I was writing about so...


What do you think?

14 Points


  1. It has an eerie quality to it and turning it into B&W only enhanced that quality further. And that is the reason why I always write my draft in MS Word and just copy-paste and edit in the site…because editing is a lot easier work than rewriting and remembering the stuff once lost. Lol!
