I have been watching my tulips getting ready to bloom. I have seen buds for about a week now. Today was the first bloom of the year. The orange one chose to show itself first. I hope the other colors will bloom soon as well. This one will be my Easter bloom. Nature has so much to offer all of us. Have a great day and weekend everyone.

I am continuing with the 365 Photos Challenge and I am now on Day 129.
I could not resist sharing this quote… Life isn’t a tiptoe through the tulips. ~Shannon Hoon
I love tulips too. Still waiting for ours to bloom 🙂
Mine are still in the process, the orange ones are always the first.
I love this shade. It’s so bright and bold
Thanks Bradley, me too. I hope the others will bloom soon. Happy Easter!
So beautiful! I love tulips. 🙂
Thanks Ellie, I just wished they lasted longer.
That may not be such a bad idea. Kidding. 🙂 Your runaway socks, just laughed outloud.
I wonder if they have windmills in Narnia
I would lean in that direction, in my Narnia. 🙂
Windmills and socks not featured in the original C.S.Lewis version, now included in the digitally remastered CDM release!
I had no idea, you are just full of cool information.
Cool misinformation, you mean. There’s no such thing unless you’re actually remastering the Narnia films with windmills and my runaway socks…
Congratulations on the first beautiful tulip in your garden. They say that when the first tulip appeared, the spring really came.
Thanks my friend, there are more to come!
They always convey the message of love with all its beauty, may we always catch and understand it.
I try my best Albert, thank you!
I know… my friend. I know.
Very lovely flower, thanks for sharing!
Thanks Danny for visiting.
Red-blooded tulip is very charming.
Thank you very much.
Those are really lovely tulips!
Thanks for your kind comment.
The leaves have been appearing all over out neighborhood for the past two weeks but no flowers yet. Looking forward to them.
I still have many to bloom, looking forward as well.
Lovely tulip, great shot! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thank you for your comment Courtney.
your first tulip is wonderful
Thanks Branka for the comment.
Thank you and the same to you Branka.