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Dictionary 365 Photos Challenge #28

I remember using this dictionary daily, before google.. and so I bring you my favorite book of all time, “The Dictionary.” 

 Do you have a book shelf? If so take a photo and use it for a post. What better place to post this for? The 365 Photos Challenge. If you would like to join in and challenge yourself to a photo a day, here are the rules and guidelines.   The more the merrier, come join us! 


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


  1. These books remind me of the ones I got from my Dad’s home a couple of weeks ago. I also found the huge dictionary we all used growing up. Great memories!

    • Wonderful, I love old books. I hope you get to keep them and the dictionary. Indeed great memories. I remember my dad asking, did you look it up in the dictionary before asking? Me groaning and saying hold on… then we would talk about the meanings. GReat memories indeed.