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Crazy Alphabet Challenge (With a twist): the letter Q: Quetzal

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Good morning to all. I searched high and low for an original French name starting with the letter Q for an animal and could not find one. So here I am presenting the « Quetzal » bird known by that name in French and English. 

The name Quetzal encompasses several different birds from the neo-tropical region of Central America. The beautiful Quetzal has green and blue feathers. The male has very long caudal feathers (up to one meter or 3.2 feet long) and a crest. The female does not have a long tail or the red crested chest. 

An interesting side note of this gorgeous bird is that its name comes from the « nahuatl » language of Central America. Its original name in nahuatl is « Quetzalli ». The word « Quetzal » is also present in the ancient Mexican god’s name « Quetzalcoatl » which means « feathered snake » or « quetzal snake ». For the Mayas and the Aztecs, the « Quetzal » was a sacred bird whose feathers were held in high praise and esteem. Even during pre-colombian times, the « Quetzal » was raised in captivity and its feathers used for hats, robes and crowns. Today, the national symbol of Guatemala is the « Quetzal ». 

<a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="" target="_blank"></a>

The « Quetzal » is mostly a fruit eating bird but will also eat small insects and vertebrae animals. 

With his feathers and brilliant coloring, the « Quetzal » is an absolute delightful bird who knows how to engage its female counterparts during reproduction season. 

That is about all I have to say about the « Quetzal » bird of Central America. See you soon with the letter R. 


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by HistoryGal


    • Yes it sure is a lovely bird but I still do not exactly know its relation with the Quetzal serpent kings except for his plumage. Thanks a lot for dropping in and commenting and up voting.

    • I totally agree Fortune. It is a gorgeous bird even prettier than others such as perroquet etc… It is too bad it is only seen and actually lives in Mexico and just below… Thanks for viewing and commenting and up voting.

    • I remember vaguely hearing about the Querzal snake kings but I did not know they were based on a bird. I will probably never see that bird in person as I reside in Canada but I am happy to present it here. Thanks for dropping in and commenting and up voting…
