
365 Day Photo Challenge, the sad screen when I try to post day 283

I have run afoul of the Cloudflare police. So either I am personally banned from posting (possible), or there is a technical issue on the server side (possible) or worst of all a technical issue on my side (possible). To resolve them, I tried posting to Virily from three different computers (I tried from my Mac this morning). I also tried different post types. I have tried Safari, Chrome, Edge, and IE and this is I downloaded the newest version of Mozilla. I used my windows 10 and my windows seven safe VM’s (a virtual machine with nothing installed but the OS and the browser). Sadly nothing works right now. This may be an offline post for a couple of days by the time it appears the issues may be resolved. Or I may never be allowed to post on Virily again.

Anyone can join the photo challenge! Shoot pictures, post them and share!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • I don’t blame them. If all the negativity with no thanks or problem solved posts I would hide as well. They, the admin team are human beings. When they fix something (as they did for me, or I fixed it but either way it is fixed) we need to let them know they did a good job!

    • It is from a program they use for internet protection on Virily called CloudFlare. It is actually good that the site is using it, it provides good overall protection for the site.

        • It was annoying but, it was the right screen to see. The issue was when it was fixed, I don’t know why it was fixed. Did the admins reset the Cloudflare VM or did my changing the text fix the issue.

          Because of all the complaining, they don’t seem to read the group on Facebook anymore,. Or if they do read it, they don’t post anymore. I suspect they are tired of getting yelled at.

    • Thanks, Kim. I won’t say it is wholly a Virly issue yet. I can post (this one is an example) somethings but not longer text posts. I am not sure if it is me or it is the site yet.

        • We are sadly on day two, of course being a weekend I suspect the admin team is off duty until Monday, so I wait.

          Because of all the angst and frustration vented towards the admin team, I am not sure they read the Virly group on facebook anymore. Everyone deserves a little respect.

        • It started working around 10 am Sunday. I am still not quite sure why (no root cause) and I don’t know if it is what I did, or someone reset cloudflare. Again, the admins stay off public forums now, because of all the complaints posted (here and on facebook).