Today the other side of my office. I suspect as we wander further and further into the 365-day photo challenge (anyone can join in, post a picture from the last seven days with the header 365-day photo challenge and the day (i.e., your first one is day 1). Years ago when I was an on-the-road consultant I had a plotter at home. I still have one, as you can see in the picture. It isn’t turned on as often as it used to be. I do still like being able to print large format when I need it.
The wall hangings are years of who I am. Oh yeah and the Chicago Bears. I love Da Bears.
I didn’t show a little further over where the mess of wires is embarrassing.
It is also moments as I am now nearing the completion of my 2nd month of the contest!
Nice image of the Chicago Bears sign inside the room.
Thanks. It was more a photo of desparate opportunity 🙂
Some days it becomes a struggle to find something to photograph but so far I have been able to accomplish that.
It is, I find this time of year because of work my time for anything other than run run run is limited.
You can always skip a day if you need to.
Nearing completion of the 2nd month! Wow! You officially survived 60 days. I think the challenge is in meeting that 7-day cutoff really. I have stuff in my Virily drafts but after that I’m wondering what else to photograph lol
That has been my struggle (3 posts of my weather stations view the morning I realized I didn’t have another picture). 4 pictures of my office because, well that is where I am when I realize I didn’t have the picture for the day.
Hahahahahaha well where else to get a fast idea?
Planning ahead would say anywhere but the last spot you are.