
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 236

We stopped by on Sunday to see the good captain. It is my tradition to take a picture of the good captain relaxing in his spot on the boat.  I suspect Lars was as frustrated as anyone else not getting to go out to the Bay. It can be frustrating at times when there is an issue, and you don’t know how to solve it. I know when it comes to the boat, that there are a few problems I can troubleshoot and fix on my own. But there are many problems that in fact, I cannot fix. Boat engines are something (car engines as well) that I don’t touch. It is funny many years ago when I was first learning about boats; I knew how to take apart and repair the outboard motor of our boat. I don’t think I am even remotely qualified to take apart a lawnmower now.

Anyone can join the photo challenge – the water is warm hop in!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!