
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 113

Continuing the wall collections picture shares! I did mention previously that I love the old TV show Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. The bumble or Abominable Snowman was and is my all time favorite character from that show. You can also see a very special collection of buttons. The button collection and we have a few of them, comes from my mother in law and her mother. My wife’s grandmother collected the buttons, and my mother-in-law had them framed.  We’ve had them on our walls for more than ten years now. They remind me of my mother in law. (I never met my wife’s grandmother).

We got decorative shelves for the basement to share some of the things I’ve collected over the years.

Anyone can join the photo challenge.

  1. Take a picture (in the last seven days)
  2. Write a short explanation of why that picture
  3. Post it here on Virily!

As I said, anyone can join. I’ve found it easier to stay on task by doing themed pictures. For example, I am now 13 days into my second thumb free picture streak (my first streak lasted 99 days). Lately, I am posting the various collections I have in the basement. I will then move upstairs and share other collections in the house.

It’s fun – join the challenge!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!