A great friend of mine made these signs. The welcome friend’s sign she gave after the death of my late husband, the others she gave me later. These words are important, and should be pondered upon. I am not sure if i have ever shared this photo before, so if I have I apologize.
Have a great day my friends.
Image Credit-LaJenna
Have you ever wondered through and wondered how you missed something so great! Glad I finally found it.
Wonderful words to live by my friend. Read these every day.
Thank you Carol for these words.
Thank you Coffee Queen for the nice comment. Maybe post what you have on your wall.
It doesn’t matter they are shared or not!!
These words should be repeatedly share again and again!!
And they’re so well done, very beautiful!!!
Thank you alibb for your thoughtful comment.
That’s lovely, LaJenna. I have something very similar on my wall too. I love these kind of quotes and sayings.