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Helping those who cannot publish now!!!!!
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Wandering the reality of communication or why consider the bias…
10 Shares150 Views33 Comments9 Votes
What if you want to find a specific authors specific post from 45 days ago?
12 Shares164 Views27 Comments7 Votes
Wifi-6, 5g and some other tech wrap up stuff!
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Toshiba shuts down laptop business.
9 Shares161 Views30 Comments10 Votes
On posts awaiting moderation (still) and up coming reviews!
10 Shares167 Views23 Comments7 Votes
The impact of Sharing is Caring 24 hours! Its helping, are you?
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The face mask will now translate into languages
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Virtual reality lens; Ghost Pacer an amazing technology !
41 Views4 Comments2 Votes
Mobile upgrades
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