One of the worst feelings to get while on your fitness journey is realizing that your current workouts are not working, or when you just flat out get bored of the same routines. Do not worry because it is normal, however, it is important for you to keep your ideas fresh and be willing to change out those old workouts in order to keep yourself motivated to reach that goal whether that be to lose weight, maintain health or tone up your body. New workouts target new muscles that you may not have worked before which can reignite your drive to workout.
I say this because I am constantly switching up my abdominal workouts to keep my drive reignited to reach my goal of fat burn in the tummy area. Doing regular sit ups have become boring, and seemingly redundant, so I have reignited my drive by adding simple mountain climbers to my workout regime. With my schedule being congested, consisting of work, school, and an internship with very little time to get in an actual gym workout, I have decided to conduct these workouts at least four times a day: two in the morning and two in the evening. Not bad huh? Would you like to join in? Let’s go!
- Cross body mountain climbers: 2 sets of 30 repeats
- Mountain climbers: 2 sets of 20 repeats
- Push ups: 2 sets of 40 repeats
- Jumping jacks: 2 sets of 50 repeats

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#Fitness #Fitish #ThomasGouard #WOD #MountainClimbers #Abdominals #Muscles #Workout #Health #Food #Foodie #Google #Virily #Blogger
Americans tend to either be obese or fitness nuts. Fit-ish sounds like a healthy compromise…
I like to consider myself in this category because I love food, as well as being decently and shape. I like to say that I am a fat kid trapped in a skinny man’s body
preferable to the reverse. but I imagine a gazelle has a metabolism like a furnace…
I bet! In my twenties I had the speedy metabolism because I was always doing something whether it be endurance sports, or the physical stuff in the military. Seems to be slowing down in my late thirties, but still works fast. I cannot wait to see it speed back up once I start training for Detroit Marathon, starting in April
it will slow with age, but if you remain active not by so much…
That is good to know. By the end of April I plan to kick my workouts into gear, and maybe try some of the older works I did in my mid twenties
you are relentless, but don’t push yourself too hard
That is one thing that I definitely have to take into consideration since I am coming off of a winter break ; )
My a** is eager to get out there whether on my bike or on the pavement running
hopefully the weather has improved by then
It will be and a fifties tomorrow. And that is in Chicago where weather is really assed up, lol.
Great word knowledge, thanks!
Thank you for dropping in Carol
I have to say it would be Rambo, definitely
Really, it is a very interesting exercise! Unfortunately my old body no longer allows it.
This workout is truly a butt kicker. I just did 2 sets and I’m already winded, lol. I may just keep it at just 2 sets a day instead of 4.
That’s for you, then what will it to me?
It will give you rock hard abs and crane like arms ? : )
Make sense! I will be like Rambo or The Rock!
I have to say it would be Rambo, definitely
How can I’m who looks alike Gollum be like Rambo, my friend?
Oh lord, lol. With that you’ll just have to eat more spinach like Popeye
Eat more spinach, vitamins, and say prayers : )