A couple of my inspirational/Motivational poems, both deal with life altering diagnosis. The Warrior Within is more of a generalized poem dealing with any number of diagnosis and They Danced is a fictionalized account of a woman’s Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease
The Warrior Within
It is not an easy battle they face
But God choose them
For this fight
This race
They will fight
In all dignity
And strength
They will reach for
The warrior within
Discovering the strength
That the good Lord
Has given them.
The battles they face
But I promise you this
It could bring a grown man
To his knees.
It is facing changes
Facing loss
Facing the fight
Simple to breathe
Now they fight
Because they know
It's the fight that
Will get them through
And Jesus
Jesus is the one
Who can make them new.
So I write these words
May not only the ones
I wrote this poem for
But everyone suffering
Learn to seek
The Warrior Within
And may they fight this
Copyright Michelle R Kidwell
2:34 P.M PST
They Danced
They danced that night
At the beach
Forgetting for a moment
The doctors words
At first she thought
The shaking was something
Something that could be fixed
Tremors that shook her off her feet
And left her unsteady for hours afterwards.
The doctors word
Told her of a reality
She was not yet ready to hear
Parkinson's disease
It was a monster invading her
And slowly stripping life away
From her
Before long she would
Not be able stand on her
Own two feet.
They danced
Forgetting for a moment
This monster was invading her
She was two young to have
This disease
She had three daughters
Who needed her
She had to be there
To see them grow...
They danced
With the memories of before
Healthy memories
Where she could stand
And play with her kids.
They dance
With the way
Things had been...
Copyright Michelle R Kidwell
10:06 P.M PST
Author's Comments:
"The idea for this poem has been on my mind since last night, but the words would not come until now, lets not forget those who suffer from Parkinson's...."