As I have stated before, in 2018 I am going back on the ketogenic (or low carb, high fat) diet. I need to lose weight and get healthy. My diabetes was controlled well a few years ago, but these days it isn’t. I have tried Keto before and know it works. I just need to stick with it. I can’t keep waking up with high blood sugars, it just zaps my energy and I feel bad all day.
I am going to post here frequently to keep track and be held accountable for my health.I have not decided yet if I am going to post daily or just once a week. I may end up just writing down the stuff I want to share and post that every Friday (just an example).
I need to lose quite a bit of weight (around 90 pounds). I know it will be hard and will take time. I didn’t put it on overnight, so I know it won’t come off overnight either.
I am only 4’10, so I should be somewhere around 100 pounds to be at a healthy weight. When I was diagnosed as a diabetic back in 2010 I did get my health under control and lost 75 pounds. Now, 7 years later I have gained most of that back.
Here is to losing that weight again (plus a bit more) and getting my diabetes under control.
Do you have any goals for the new year? I would love to hear your goals/resolutions for 2018! Let’s make 2018 a great year!
journey is fantastic and professional image!
I wish you lots of success
Thank you very much!
Diabetes is nothing to fool around with
Yes, that is very true.
I wish you luck with your goals, and I think that sharing them with people helps a lot!
I don’t have particular goals, but exercising more and spending less time in front of the computer is a good start. 😀
Thank you! Day 1 is rough lol! And I hope it will help 🙂
Well those sound like good goals….thank you for sharing!!
I believe the message that your title is speaking to me. It is “Write it down make it happen.” I read this book years ago, and it worked for me.
Thank you for sharing….that’s good to hear!
And I have to lose 15 kg. Because of the goose, and I do not know when I’m going to start the diet.
Good luck with your diet whenever you start!