
The sound you seek?

When the dust settles

there is a silence.

Is that

the sound you seek?

The day

screeching to a half

all things ending

all things beginning

the light


the eyes drooping

the sound slipping away

to be no more.

Is that

the sound you seek?

Boucning silently off

walls and


to land

nestled in your ear

and forgotten.

Is it more the sound you seek?

As you slip

into the night

the last train

the only path left.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is exactly what I seek. Silence. Peace comes with silence I believe.
    Thank you for these words Doc. You are a talented man.

    • Thanks, Carol. The poem was actually written many years ago, I wrote it while at the Indiana State teachers convention in the hallway between sessions. You can imagine the noise.