
Love ItLove It WINWIN

Split The Darkness

The universe has driven us out of silence

to be born in the midst of screams

other voices too

then live in the crowd

with various exhausting noise

hustle bustle to erect and collapsing

attract them in an emotional and mind outburst

transforms the records into reality

increase the amount of soil

to break through and tied up with fear

to keep the desire away from seeing the light

ignoring lightning that repeatedly split the darkness

rupture lonely or tempest

from long ago, now or tomorrow

either we’re braver or not

even when we become lightning itself

thunderbolt will still come later or tomorrow

we’re still coming

and continue to tear the silence

or crowds, riots, noise or whatever.


Then why are we brought in presence

if we should be back soon?

Is the lightning merely a reminder?


What do you think?

12 Points


  1. I have suffered so much lightning in my life, it becomes a part of my day. I do look and hope for sunshine to show itself to me and give me hope. Great poem!

  2. I think the lightning could be a reminder. Some may get too comfortable in their lives and need reminders that they are not in charge of their destiny. We can choose our paths, make plans to do certain things, carve out our attitudes, but our destiny is just out of our reach. Defined as a predetermined course of events and considered as something beyond human power or control.
